Monday, August 27, 2012

How far apart is long distance? - The Student Room

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  1. n-qia's Avatar

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    How far apart is long distance?

    I was just wondering, what are everyone's opinions on how far apart a couple need to live before their relationship is classed as "long distance"?

    My boyfriend lives 50 miles away from my large city in a small village by the coast, which is two train journeys and about an hour and a half in total. He says we're in a long distance relationship but I disagree, I think it has to be about 80 miles? For example, I'd say Manchester to Birmingham is long distance, but Manchester to Liverpool isn't.

    I asked a friend and she said as a general rule it's anywhere over an hour away, or anywhere you can't get one bus to. (I disagree with the second part - for me it's two bus journeys to her house and she only lives ~10 miles away!)


  2. New Member

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    Re: How far apart is long distance?

    If the relationship works, should it matter? I apologise in advance for being a tad blunt, but this is somewhat inconsequential if you and your boyfriend are in a relationship that works.
  3. Junior Member

    Join Date: Jan 2011

    Posts: 55

    Re: How far apart is long distance?

    I would class long distance as any distance that means you have to plan to see each other in advance. By that I mean you can't just ring them up and say 'do you want to come over'. So for some people it could be half an hour.


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