Saturday, November 3, 2012

Romney hits battleground states in last push

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney on the campaign trail (Brian Snyder/Reuters)WEST ALLIS, Wis.?With just four days to go before Election Day, Mitt Romney again sought to convince voters that he's the real agent of change in the race.

"Look beyond the speeches and the attacks and the ads," Romney said in what could be his final appearance in the hotly contested state of Wisconsin. "Words are cheap. A record is real and earned with effort. Change cannot be measured in speeches. It's measured in achievements. Four years ago ... Obama promised change, but he could not deliver it. I promise change, and I have a record of achieving it."

Making many of the same points he's emphasized in stump speeches over the last month, Romney also framed President Obama as a president who has burned too many bridges in Washington to be able to overcome the partisan gridlock that has hobbled the nation's capital.

"You know that if the president is re-elected, he will still be unable to work with the people in Congress," Romney continued. "The president was right when he said he can't change Washington from the inside. In this case, you can take him at his word."

Romney played up his record of working with Democrats as a Republican governor of Massachusetts and vowed to offer similar outreach if elected to the White House.

His speech came just a week after he delivered what aides billed as a "closing argument" speech in Iowa. Worried that that speech was overshadowed by superstorm Sandy, Romney chose to deliver another closing message here in Wisconsin, kicking off a weekend in which he and his surrogates will fan out across 11 battleground states in a final bid to win support ahead of Election Day.

Romney is set to travel to six states over the weekend: Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. He's expected to go back to Florida, Virginia and Ohio on Monday before wrapping up his campaign with another rally in New Hampshire, where he officially kicked off his campaign in June 2011.

Speaking to voters here, Romney called Election Day "America's moment" and a chance to "start anew. ... We are four days away from a fresh start. ... Our destiny is in your hands."


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