Monday, February 13, 2012

Best In Personal Finance February 12 | Yes, I Am Cheap


It?s 4:00 a.m. and I?m catching a flight to the West Coast in 4 hours.? I should be asleep, but I almost never sleep before a long flight.? Instead as the world mourns the death of Whitney Houston, I?m watching National Geographic?s series called Taboo.? The last was on rights of passage and this one is on religious ritual piercings.? It?s interesting how different cultures develop ceremonies to mark significant events in one?s life.

The one common ritual that we all share is how we treat someone who has died.? In all cultures there is a ritual process of essentially saying goodbye to your loved one.? It is a fact that we will all meet the same fate some day.? I encourage everyone, no matter how young or old, to think of what your family would need if you passed away tomorrow.? If you haven?t begun making preparations, do so now.

On to some of the best personal finance articles that I found this week.

  • I?m in love with the two personalities behind the blog, Mike and Molly?s House.? Mike just got laid off for the second time in a yer (two), so now they?re going to video blog their attempts at building? a website to make money.? I wish them lots of luck.
  • I also love Sandy L?s stories about her Old World mom, Babci on First Gen American.? This story is about Babci?s theories on remodeling.? Gotta love moms.
  • Say that you eat out but realize later that your server forgot to bill you for all of your meal.? Do you return to pay for your meal Aloysa at My Broken Coin faced this dilemma.? Keep in mind, depending on the restaurant, servers have to account for the money for meals that they ordered from the kitchen, so it might come out of your server?s pocket.
  • Finally, I figured this fantasy post called Where Would You Invest A Million Dollars from Hope to Prosper was timely.? Especially since I saw some long lines by the lottery machine since everyone is busy playing the Powerball lottery for? chance to win over $3oo million.

Honestly, I didn?t want to get left out either, so I bought into the company pool for $2.? Hey, if they won this thing while I was traveling, I didn?t want to be the only loser going back to work while everyone else was swimming in their millions.? They are so not leaving me behind.

Those were some of the best articles that I found last week.? Come back to the blog this week for some mindless rambling with a side order of finance tossed in.

I leave you with my favorite motivational song from Whitney Houston.? When I?m doubting that I can attain all of the goals and dreams that I aspire to, I sally play this song.

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