Wednesday, February 22, 2012

NLP and the Milton Model

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There are two primary methods of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the meta-model and the Milton model, both created by NLP founders, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Whilst the meta-model purposely specific, the Milton model (inspired by 20th century psychiatrist and hypnotist, Milton H. Erickson) instead utilises vague and imprecise language that encourage the mind to generate its own meaning of what has been said.

The Milton Model can be used in a variety of ways, including helping to overcome fears and to become a much more confident and therefore persuasive person. The model works very similarly to hypnotism in that the language used by the therapist speaks to the subconscious mind.

The Milton model is used to ?trick? the mind, a technique known as effective hypnotic suggestion. The mind is indirectly instructed or ordered to react or think in a certain way, which therefore means the hypnotherapist must use deliberately vague commands hidden in their speech.

For example, for someone who is scared of public speaking, instead of the hypnotist saying ?When you give your presentation, you will not be scared? they might say ?When it comes to speaking in public, you may start to feel more confident?. Through suggestion and the use of vague, indirect phrases, the hypnotist is saying exactly the same thing but in a way that?s not obvious. This less authoritative method allows the person to fill in the blanks, which has proven to be much more effective than demanding language.

For example, many people are scared of speaking in public or giving presentations. So instead of the hypnotherapist stating that ?When you give your presentation next week, you will not be scared?, they would put it much more indirectly, saying something like ?When you come to speaking in public, you may start to feel much more confident?. This much less authoritative type of language leaves the person to fill in the blanks, which is proven to be a much more effective method than using demanding language. Commands put much more indirectly are still registered by the subconscious mind, but instead of trying to force the subconscious mind (which can?t be done), that part of the mind is choosing to accept it.

For NLP training London, contact these NLP London specialists.


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