Friday, February 24, 2012

The Perspectives of Culturology in the Modern Society ? hot news

As the world cultures continuously interact and communicate today, the research of cultures is getting more and more important day after day. Culturology is a certain discipline that dwells upon the study of culture, cultural activities and systems. It involves the study of mentality, material as well as spiritual features of the society etc.The subject of Culturology is the complex of values, rules and norms, communication and socialization mechanisms which make social life possible. Culturology has the next general areas of research:1.Traditional Culturology that?s the area of study regarding mythology, folklore, religions, customs and traditions, national literatures and others.2.Social Culturology that contains fundamental Culturology, the theory of Culturology, Anthropology and others.3.Applied Culturology that concerns itself with the monitoring and regulation of culture, especially in the fields of religion, education, recreation etc.The questions studied by Culturology are religion, mythology, philosophy, behavior norms plus art as the components of culture. It concentrates on the research of the phenomenon of culture as human social and historical experience, the representation in norms, activities and the so called cultural texts.There are some approaches to the problems of Culturology like:1.Social-historical approach which is based on the studies of historians plus philosophers and is usually regarded as rather classical.2.Racial-anthropological approach that studied the relationship between the race with the culture it made ? this school is regarded not suitable and rarely used nowadays.3.Sociological approach that has a strong connection to sociology and focuses on the research of society, its structure and cultural properties and institutions since culture is possible within human society.4.Symbolic approach which is the most modern and most influential trend in the research of Culturology. The symbolic school regards the cultural processes as special kinds of communication on the basis of symbols created in the process of human social activities.


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