Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Died in the cold, buried by government Kirkuk Now | Kirkuk Now

The second bridge of Khasa in Kirkuk...Photo Kirkuk Now

The second bridge of Khasa in Kirkuk...Photo Kirkuk Now

An abandoned man died from exposure to the cold last week in Kirkuk, but his family was not willing to bury him as he was drinking. ?The municipality buried him at last.

Last week, the Kirkuk Police found a body under the first Bridge of the Khasa River in the centre of Kirkuk.? He was from Kirkuk?s Rahimawa neighborhood, but no one claimed his body. ??He was mostly under this bridge or on streets since his family did not let him to go home,? the police said.

Anwar Muhamad, chief of Kirkuk?s Rahimawa Police Station said, ?He had become drunk after drinking a lot of alcohol, fell under the bridge and died in the cold.?? The initials of this man were A.A.? He was 40-years-old and his body was sent to the Medicolegal hospital without the presence of any family or relatives.

In Kirkuk, like most of the other cities and provinces of Iraq, people consider alcohol as a social and religious taboo. ?A.A. was the latest victim of this view, where his family abandoned him even in death. ?According to what was received to Kirkuk Now from his relatives, A.A. was in despair from his early childhood, and not being involved with the children on streets. ?He did not have many friends even when he was a young man.

He was separated with his wife for an unknown reason, and his family life disintegrated.? He became a loyal friend of drinking alcohol later, walking on the streets of the city. ?A.T. was one of his relatives, who said that ?Once he separated from his wife, he drank a lot, which became a tension point between him and his relatives.?? He added, ?Drinking led to abandoning him by his relatives.? ?His family tried to hand him over to police many times before dying.? When he died, the police called the family but they responded with, ?Let the municipality bury him.?

Drinking alcohol...Photo Nwenar Fatih

Drinking alcohol...Photo Nwenar Fatih

A.A. was one of the clients of Hazim Ali, who had an alcohol shop. ?Ali recalls A.A. saying, ?He was always saying this life was boring when no one understands us.?? One day Ali urged A.A. to return to his family in order not to kill him, but A.A. said, ?No one wants to kill some useless men like us.?

One day before dying in cold, A.A. told Ali that he was thinking about buying a house since he was sick and, ?No one takes him home.?

According to Kirkuk Now information, he was one of the wanted fugitives who fled from the police many times. ?Chief of Rahimawa Police Station said, ?These kinds of rare incidents happen sometimes, but when we investigate their cases, their families abandon them.?

A.A.?s life ended up under the Khasa bridge and the municipality buried him. ?But many similar people are walking on the streets of Kirkuk, abandoned by their families.

Note: Hazim Ali?s name is not real.

Shalaw Muhamad ? Kirkuk Now

Short URL: http://kirkuknow.com/english/?p=7957

Source: http://kirkuknow.com/english/index.php/2012/02/died-in-the-cold-buried-by-government/

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